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PERSONALIZED PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT. With RIA, each portfolio is tailored to the individual client's needs and objectives based on a disciplined approach to building and monitoring broadly diversified portfolios.

EXPERIENCE. The RIA team has a combined 50+ years of investment experience. Together, we use our combined knowledge to provide our clients with the ideal solution for their investing needs.

INTEGRITY. We pride ourselves on putting our clients first.

DEDICATION. We are dedicated to a disciplined approach to creating and monitoring client portfolios to ensure we meet the needs and expectations of our clients. 

INDEPENDENCE. RIA is an independent investment advisor with interest aligned with those of our clients. We are not here to sell a "product" but rather to provide a "solution" for our clients.

SERVICE. RIA strives to provide exemplary service by maintaining open lines of communication with our clients.

DEEP UNDERSTANDING. Before we invest any money for a client, we first determine the client's goals, tolerance for risk, and time horizon. We measure these factors against our extensive knowledge of investments. Only then do we consider asset allocation.

DISCIPLINED PORTFOLIO CONSTRUCTION. Based on the specifics of each client's situation, we provide broadly diversified portfolios using a disciplined investment selection process. We seek diverification within each asset class----across sectors and industries.

PORTFOLIO APPROACH TO INVESTING.  Refers to evaluating individual investments based on their contribution to the overall risk and return of the  portfolio.

RIGOROUS OVERSIGHT. When implementing a client's investment strategy, we use a stringent process to develop and continually review each portfolio to ensure it meets the objectives established for that client.

Invesment Objectives

  • To Achieve Consistent, Long Term Capital Appreciation

  • To Minimize Portfolio Turnover

  • To Outperform “Style” Benchmark

  • To Deliver Portfolios That Contain Lower Risk Than The Overall Market

Investment Process

1. Screen thousands of public market companies for basic size, valuation and growth parameters.

2. Create “style” lists that fit criteria of specific portfolios and rank stocks in order of suitability and timeliness.

3. Top three companies in each industry and/or sector are modeled and researched by evaluating management and using broker/dealer resources to confirm our opinion.

Quality Control

  • Review Strategy: Top down review of industry weighting and guidance

  • Review current "buy list" and analyze current company developments in light of expectations.


What WE're Not

  • We're Not Market Timers

  • We're Not Market Technicians

  • We're Not Momentum Investors

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